Dan Munzel Webster Township Trustee

Known For:

Fresh Ideas

Steady Leadership

Collaborative Approach

Community-Minded Work Ethic

Dan Munzel


Webster Township Board Trustee since Oct. 2019

Director of Real Estate, ITC

Board Member, Dexter Area Fire Department

Past President, Loch Alpine Improvement Association

BS, University of Michigan

Raised family in Webster Township

Webster Township Fire Station


Ensure wise fiscal management of Webster Township resources, with a philosophy of the lowest taxes for the greatest good.

Improve public safety of the community, with the construction of the Fire Station and wise management of Sheriff deputy support.

Maintain the rural character of the Township by continuing the successful Farmland and Open Space Preservation program and managing new growth.

Ensure the Board and Board members are accessible, communicating and listening to concerns and challenges our residents are facing.


About Me

Webster Township resident for 27 years

Married to my wife, Mim, for 32 years

Two children, Caroline and Matt, who grew up in Webster Township

Love being in nature - avid bicyclist and downhill skier

Hosted our daughter’s intimate wedding in our backyard

Dan Munzel Webster Township

What I Love About

Webster Township

Our Township residents and their support for our community

Successful preservation of our farms and viewsheds

Recreation opportunities for hiking and biking

Our rural setting with easy access to Ann Arbor and other communities

Dan Munzel Webster Township

Opportunities For Our Community

Develop a longer view/plan for road improvement budgeting to maintain safe and smooth driving surfaces

Work with internet providers to improve the internet infrastructure necessary to support our community

Manage our budget based on State revenue sharing funding


Get In Touch

Thanks so much for visiting and for your interest in my campaign. Feel free to contact me using the form below with any questions or concerns. I look forward to connecting!